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The Happiness Formula: Friendship, Love, and Health
Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He wasn’t the only person in history to value happiness so highly.
How Personality Tests Can Strengthen Your Romantic Relationship
You likely at some point in your life have taken a personality test of some sort. This could have been The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, The Big Five, The Enneagram Personality Test, or even just a Buzzfeed quiz telling you what Harry Potter house you belong to.
Building Strong Relationships: The Power of Spoken Contracts
I have one question: How concrete and spoken is your contract with either your partner or those you care for? Do you know what to expect in your relationships? Do you clearly understand your responsibilities from your partner or those close to you?
Have an Idea You Would Like to Hear a Therapist Talk About?
Please feel free to reach out below with anything you would like to see touched on in a therapeutic lens. I am more than happy to take all ideas!